Dream With Your Eyes Wide Open

Dream With Your Eyes Wide Open

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain

Today, waiting for my 15-year-old son to finish his baseball coaching session, Mark Twain’s words rang in my mind stronger than ever!  As I sat in my car, the laptop running, and powering out business calls; It became crystal clear, that I am exactly where I am supposed to be, and that is the most empowering feeling ever!

I know life moves at the speed of light! I am grateful for being able to drink it all in, busy schedules and the hustle included!  And while entrepreneur life is not exactly pj’s and coffee all day long, it is the freedom to hustle from wherever suits my life. Marrying the world of business and motherhood, all while listening to a whisper in my heart along the way! A whisper to make a beautiful impact in the lives of others!

So to all of you out there, following your passion, whether from home, an office, or a parked car outside of a baseball session, Wherever you are, Dream with your eyes wide open, you are worth it!








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