Embrace Your Girly Girl!

Embrace Your Girly Girl!

Picture your perfect shade of lipstick, your favorite perfume, and a fab hair day, all beautifully pulled together with that special outfit that makes you feel like you can conquer the world.  Are you feeling it?  Are you excited?  If so you know how to embrace your Girly Girl!

I remember back in the day when I started an advertising business.  It was the polar opposite of feminine, with my competition led by males in gray suits, yes indeed it was a male dominated scene!  So, of course, my recollection of my entry into the beauty and sales world is crystal clear!

I am a real Girly Girl at heart… and I no longer make apologies for that, in fact, I embrace it!  I can actually feel my heart race when walking into a beauty store! The colors, the smell, the fun!!!!  Of course, I can’t forget to mention dresses; I love the patterns the shapes, the colors… Yep, all that adrenaline, I definitely just worked myself up!

Of course, we have come a long way in the past few decades.  I have entered many boardrooms with some brilliant women sporting their smarts alongside their classy Girly Girl Fashion!    Guess what world; one does NOT cancel the other out… a woman can be both!

So let your Girly Girl shine!  Be beautiful, be unique, BE YOU!







Twenty years ago, Melissa Thompson stumbled her way into the world of Social Entrepreneurship. After signing up with a beauty company, she fell head over heels for the business, the people, and the mission. She has had the privilege of working in a variety of roles, from executive corporate positions within the industry’s largest organizations to helping startups launch their businesses from scratch.

Melissa is passionate about Social Entrepreneurship! She loves that it gives people, from every walk of life, the ability to significantly enhance their worlds.


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