Memorial Day

Memorial Day

With a Grateful Heart

This Memorial Day people across this country will gather for bbq’s and get-togethers to enjoy a three-day weekend.  But let us not forget the reason for this incredibly special day of remembrance.

For all our fallen heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure our freedom, we honor you! Your bravery will never be forgotten. From the first wars of our country to battles of today, they fought for our liberty. Our heroes in The Army, The Marine Corps, The Navy, The Air Force, and The Coast Guard, we will take this time to salute you.

You don’t have to look too far, to feel the sacrifice of our fallen active military members and their families. From empty pages in photo albums where our fallen heroes should have been, to empty seats at tables this weekend, you are missed.

We pay tribute to them, as we are grateful for their gift of protection and freedom. You are in our thoughts and our prayers because we know FREEDOM isn’t FREE!

Memorial Day we show honor with thoughts and action.

In words beautifully spoken by John F. Kennedy, “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter the words, but to live by them.”


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