Delete my Personal Information permanently

As a user, you have the right to request the permanent deletion of your Personal Information from our records.

To submit a deletion request, you may use one of the following methods:

  1. Contact us by phone at (833) 235-5263. You will need to verify your identity by providing your full name, mailing address, and any Customer or Partner ID Number (if applicable), along with the last four digits of your credit card.
  2. Complete and submit the request form available below.

Once we receive your request and confirm your identity, we will proceed with the deletion of your Personal Information. This service is provided free of charge and will be completed within 30 days of your verified request.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware of the consequences of this request:

  • Your Personal Data will be irreversibly removed from our site, with no option for restoration.
  • Your site activity will be anonymized. This means that records of your actions, such as orders, titles, achievements, bonuses, etc., will remain on the site but will no longer be linked to your Personal Data. We are required to maintain anonymized activity data for the overall functionality and benefit of the site’s user base.

Should you choose to return to our site in the future, you will need to register anew.

Your mailing address
Your mailing address
You are providing express written consent to receive communications from Bellame Beauty Inc. in order to fulfill your request at the phone numbers and/or email provided via the given webform, even if your telephone number is currently listed on any state, federal or corporate Do Not Call list.


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Plus, enjoy access to new products, promotions, and more. Not applicable to enrollment or self-care orders.

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